February Goals and January Highlights

Well January flew by in what felt like a second, and here I sit writing out my February goals. I thought a nice addition to these monthly goal posts would be to reflect on the previous month and it’s highlights, let me know if you enjoyed this addition in the comments section.

Generally speaking, January isn’t a great month, we are all recovering from post holiday-ness: too much food and too much spending. In saying that though, I had a pretty decent month and it was all about spending time with family and friends. It was so amazing to have Dan home for two solid weeks, we spent most of our days in the pool and chasing Aria around the garden.

February goals

January also means the annual girls pool party, and Aria is of course always invited! The four of us lead such busy lives and we literally make our plans at least a month in advance, but all the planning (which I secretly enjoy) is so worth it once we all get together.

February goals

Probably one of the most exciting things that happened in January is that my parents moved to Johannesburg. We haven’t lived in the same country for about 8 years now and so it’s really great to have them literally down the road now, especially with Aria changing as quickly as she does.

February goals

Right, onto February. Just like my January goals, I’m keeping things short, sweet and attainable so that I don’t feel completely overwhelmed by the things that I want to acheive.

  1. Be more consistent with my exercise: I do a few exercises here and there throughout the day but I really need to get back into the gym, that’s where I really sweat it out and it became quite theraputic for me towards the end of last year. I started with BBG at the beginning of January and then things just seemed to fizzle out when life got so busy again. Ideally to start off, I’d like to get a gym workout in three times a week.
  2. Spend more quality time with Dan: Recently I have been working most week nights, which means me half listening while Dan speaks, really not ideal. Weekends are taken up by our crazy kid and so we just crash by the time she is in bed. For the month of February I want to commit to one work free week night, that includes going onto social media. It sounds easy, but I find it really difficult and actually get quite anxious about not being online.
  3. Start to plan Aria’s birthday month: Last year for Aria’s first birthday I did a bunch of giveaways to celebrate, I figure that turning two as important as turning one and so I am going to put together a few giveaways this year as well. Let me know in the comments if there are any particular brands you would like to see featured.

And there you have it, my goals for the month of love, speaking of, do you have any Valentine’s Day plans? Dan and I take turns organising something and I honestly have no idea who’s turn it is this year!

In case you are interested, here are the top five blog posts from this month:

Must have products for your gym routine

Ackermans clothing haul – women

Our toddler’s evening routine

Get the intimacy back in your relationship


South African Influencer Sarah Booyens

I’m Sarah, shameless coffee addict, brazen beauty fiend, mid-size style gal and the heart behind parentingbeauty and lifestyle blog, Mascara & Mimosas.


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